1. The published comments must be relevant to the topic of the post to which they refer to. So called “off-topic” comments might be removed by the page administrator.

  2. Everything published by users is subject to the terms of service of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram and can be used by these companies as per the signed general conditions of contract. For more information, please consult the respective terms of service of each social network.

  3. In any case, the page administrator will also remove* all posts, comments or audiovisual materials that:
  • have political or propaganda content;
  • aim to promote commercial and profit-making activities;
  • use inappropriate language and/or have a threatening, violent, racist, vulgar or disrespectful tone;
  • include illegal content or incitement to perform illegal activities;
  • include offensive, deceptive, alarming content, or that are in violation of third party rights;
  • disclose personaldata and information or that may cause harm to third parties or damage their reputation and/or the reputation of Atac;
  • disclose confidential information or information protected by the right to privacy, such as internal correspondence, third-party information on content, documents, projects not already been made public or relating to ongoing proceedings;
  • have obscene, pornographic or child pornography content, or such as to offend common moral sense and user sensitivity;
  • have a content which is discriminatory in relation to gender, race, ethnic group, language, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation, age as well as personal and social conditions;
  • are characterized as spam, being repeated several times on social media posts;
  • promote or support illegal activities, which infringe copyright or improperly use a registered trademark;
  • defame, threaten or incite violence against company personnel, especially operating personnel.

    4. According to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  • Atac's social media accounts respect the "right to be forgotten" requests. The particular form of guarantee that provides for the non-dissemination, without particular reasons, of criminal records prejudicial to the person’s honour. Upon solicitation from individual users, Atac will strive to eliminate any individual reference traceable in social media activities. Except in case of law violation, upon specific request from the citizen, Atac will remove all direct messages sent to accounts.
  • The persons in charge of processing the personal data of users on Atac's social media are appointed by the Top Management.

Atac accounts comply with Italian legislation (Legislative Decree 196/2003 as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018) that prevents the participation of under 14s without parental consent.

*"Remove" refers to the option of using the content moderation systems provided by each social network on the basis of the terms of service subscribed by their users. Therefore, in case of non-compliance with its social policy rules, Atac reserves the right to hide or delete contents, or to block users, if necessary, and report them to the moderation systems of the related social network, without prejudice to the possibility, in serious cases, to transmit the content to the police or Judicial Authority.

Messages containing personal data (e-mails, telephone numbers, addresses, etc.) may be removed to protect the persons concerned.

Furthermore, in its terms of service and conditions of use, the social network Twitter provides for features to limit unwelcome interactions, such as mute or block.

Email: social@atac.roma.it