Atac has developed an integrated communication network reaching all those who live, work, and travel in Rome in a widespread and effective way.
Each facility can be customized independently or in combination with others, according to the expected target.
The originality of this communication tool offers great visibility, creating a "surprise effect", if compared to traditional communication on static billboards, and guarantees a strong media coverage.
Opportunity to decorate turnstiles, station booths, columns and other points of the station.
Opportunity to decorate spaces inside subway trains: seats, ceiling, roofs and vertical walls.
Opportunity to customize public transport tickets with a promotional message:
Atac monthly customizes:
Minimum customizable tranche: 1 million BITs
Individual communication in co-marketing sent to:
The newsletter reading redemption rate is above 30%.
Its message is addressed to 25,000 subscribers.
Web App Atac: a world of advantages just a click away!Opportunity for our partners to promote their business with fixed or animated rotating banners on the homepage.
The corporate website for Roman mobility counts 5.3 million page views per month for over 800,000 unique visitors and about 30,000 registered users.
Visibility on Atac's social media, through posts to promote projects, initiatives and brands.
Broadcasted in 29 Metro stations with 16 hours of news, music, weather forecasts and advertising from 06:30 to 21:30, it reaches around 800,000 passengers per day.
Roma Radio offers the opportunity to communicate promotions dedicated to Metrebus customers
Possibility of optioning 30-second commercials with a frequency of 24 daily broadcasts.
Opportunity to print, customize and georeference Rome's public transport maps (city centre, city, night and electric lines), distributed in points of sale and in the busiest stations.
For further information and to demand an estimate of costs:
Comunicazione Relazioni Esterne e Marketing