In a few steps you'll find the right ticket for you
This pass is reserved for young people and students residing in Rome who have an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) income not exceeding € 20,000.00. Valid 365 days from the charge date shown on the receipt for unlimited journeys within the territory of Rome. |
AutobusTramTram Metroferro Autobus |
Where to charge it
The annual electronic card can be charged:
Available formats: METREBUS CARD
up to € 10,000.00 |
€ 130.00 |
from €10,00.01 to € 15,000.00 |
€ 140.00 |
from €15,.000.01 to € 20,000 |
€ 150.00 |
Requirements to take advantage of the discounted rate
The issue of this pass is reserved for citizens residing in Rome who have an ISEE income not exceeding €20,000.00 and belonging to one of the following categories:
• Young people up to the day of their 20th birthday;
• University students up to 26 years, only if enrolled in postsecondary education institutions, such as:
Universities/Public Institutes
• Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
• Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
• Università degli Studi di Roma “Roma Tre”
• Università degli Studi di Roma “Foro Italico”
Private Universities
• UNINT Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma (S. Pio V)
• LUISS Libera Università internazionale degli studi sociali "Guido Carli"
• LUMSA Libera Università degli studi “Maria SS. Assunta”
• Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
• Università “Campus Bio-Medico” di Roma
• Università Europea di Roma (UER)
• Link Campus University
• Pontificia Università Gregoriana
• Pontificia Università San Tommaso D'Aquino (Angelicum)
• Pontificia Università Lateranense
• Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (PUSC)
• Pontificia Università Antonianum
• Università Valdese di Teologia
• UniCamillus - Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences
Online universities
• Università degli Studi "Guglielmo Marconi"
• Università Telematica UNITELMA SAPIENZA
• Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO
• Università Niccolò Cusano (Unicusano)
• Università San Raffaele Roma
• Università "Universitas MERCATORUM"
Higher Education in the Arts, Music and Choreutics (AFAM)
• Conservatorio di Musica di ROMA "Santa Cecilia"
• Accademia di Belle Arti Roma
• Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milan
• Accademia Nazionale di Arte Drammatica (Silvio D´Amico)
• Accademia Nazionale di Danza (AND)
• Accademia di Costume e di Moda
• Accademia Internazionale di Teatro
• ISIA Roma Design (Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche)
• RUFA - Rome Univeristy of Fine Arts
• IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
• Istituto Pantheon Design & Tecnology
• Quasar progetto S.R.L.
• Saint Louis Music Center - College of Music
• Istituto DUOFIN ART - Accademia delle Arti e Nuove Tecnologie
• Accademia Italiana di Arte, Moda e Design di ROMA
Language mediation schools (SSML)
• Gregorio VII
Institutions for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage
• Istituto Centrale per il Restauro (ICR)
• Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Libraio di Roma (ICRCPAL)
• Istituto Restauro Roma (IRR)
The benefit is extended to university students up to the day of their 26th birthday, including those not residing in Rome, who have been awarded a scholarship or who have obtained free accommodation in university residences, assigned by DiSCo for the current academic year. Only students expressly recognized as WINNERS can benefit from the discount, while the recognition of eligibility following the presentation of the application is not sufficient.
The following institutes are excluded
• Scuola Nazionale di Cinema (CSC)
• Accademia Nazionale del Dramma Antico
• Archival, Paleography and Diplomatic Schools
• Technical Education and Training Institutes (IFTS)
• Regional Vocational Training Schools (FPR)
• Psychotherapy Institutes and Schools
• Postgraduate, Specialization and Masters Courses.
Within the territory of Rome:
Not valid for:
Atac offers a new ticket payment method via Smartphone
With this new system, in addition to traditional payment methods, you will be able to buy and validate 100 minute BIT tickets, ROMA24/48/72H tickets and the monthly personal travel pass directly from your smartphone.
This payment method via App is developed across multiple platforms. With MooneyGo it is also possible to purchase the personal annual Roma pass.
Currently you can use the Apps: MooneyGo, Tabnet, TicketAppy, Dropticket and Telepass Pay